Tuesday, October 30, 2007


One of the main concerns that an administrator or Practice Manager has in a dental practice is the policies for not only dental management in general, but the policies for the particular practice he or she is working for.

Here's something to know - policy doesn't just exist for the sake of itself. It exists to forward the purposes of the practice and the well-being of the patients and staff as well. Here is some important information about policy and how it should be used:

First, the policies for a dental practice should always be in writing. This should be without exception. If a new policy is needed, then it should be implemented and also put into writing. The reason for this is to keep a common agreement amongst the staff, and having policy in writing and easily accessible for reference eliminates the possibility of confusion or argument on the subject. Policies should be kept in a single place for reference. This means keeping a book or a binder containing the various policies that are held by the office. If it needs to be referred to, it should be easy to find.

Also one of the key parts of training a new staff member should be education in the policies for the office. When this is done right, then the "groove-in" period for the staff member should go more smoothly and less confusion will result.
The final (and most important) point about policy in a dental practice is that it should be followed by each and every staff member of the practice. This includes the Dentist, and any other administrators of the practice. Having each member of the team following policy keeps all "on the same page" and helps all to know what is expected of them and able to predict circumstances. Policy in dental practice management - when followed by all - will allow for expansion of the practice as well as a more cheerful, upbeat staff.

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