Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I was wondering with so much information we get today via every source of media how to become a better person or a better business owner why we were not getting the life we deserve? What is the foundation of our success? How can we describe the top ways to create wealth?

We know in our heart we must change. But do we really take action? We are a little bit hazy on finer details due to the confusing messages sent by the business marketers/ business owners. We know we must learn skills, do research, do something every day. It is like we know in order to be healthy we must eat right and do daily exercise. What is our exercise in current business activities? Do we have one? How should we develop it?

We know why we want to be successful. We want to be like that those guys who wear expensive clothing, drive BMWs and Hummers, we want to fly first class instead of feeling like "tuna in a can" in our seats. We want to feel that positive energy, inner happiness. We want to feel like kids who have no mind programming, no boundaries to what they can do. Have you heard a child saying to mommy, " I want to be a movie star" I want to be a banker" I want to be a doctor" Kids already visualize so early because they have no limits to what they believe. We want to feel good about ourselves. And we want to be attractive, happy, fun-loving, life-loving people...

The missing links is how and show me the way:

Some days we all lose focus on what we do, and we forget we must have will power. We get distracted by phone calls, chatting on instant messenger or just simple daily errands. We get started and get all excited but then.... we are fried. We lose desire, drive to do anything. Every obstacle that has been created by the mankind is there in front of us. We become self-destructive. We create those obstacles. Nobody does. Our sponsor does not create obstacles. The company does not create them. All obstacles are inner obstacles. I read somewhere and it gives a good analogy to human behavior

"A fly in a pitcher plant is, at the beginning eating the plant. At some imperceptible point, the plant is eating the fly."

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle

What we repeatedly do, defines us. Imagine your dream life and then think of your life now. The difference largely amounts to "doing and taking action." In your dream life, you'd be doing something different than you're doing now.

Our habits can be constructive and destructive. One thing every habit has in common is where it comes from: from inside. Do you remember a movie about ground hog day? they have no structure, no sense of purpose and no desire to change life. Their routine is boring and that is what can happen to us. We become satisfied with our cozy thoughts and we find excuse after excuse

But how do we get from point of being self destructive to being constructive?

We have to have three important attitudes or attributes

1. We must be committed We must have the right mindset and believe in ourselves not someone else

2. Commitment will bring clarity. We must be clear all disbeliefs. We must clear the path to success by eliminated dirt, mud and weeds growing on the way.

3. We must be consistent. It will teach us to overcome fears. Fear is the biggest doubt people have.
I think in order to feel great about ourselves we must control our habits, set attainable goals, and stay focused.

One more thing...do not forget to be yourself.

We all have bad habits but we need to learn how to get up after falling and take it the way it is and move on...

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